Lei-Q Leipzig Querschnittverein (Association of paraplegics Leipzig)

Love of independence, vitality, sports, the ambition to deal with new challenges, social activities and involvement, change of perspective...all these things are the foundation to achieve goals and perform actions collectively.
With this thought in mind we, a small group of paraplegics, therapists and friends, decided one year ago to bring together our combined knowledge and expertise to “make something of it.” All the experiences you collect when you live with paraplegia, and the sudden change in perspective that you now live with because of this handicap. Getting out of the medical center does not mean a seamless transition into regular life.
- What is the key to quality of life, lifestyle, independence?
- What do I want from life?
Life with paraplegia, especially after a traumatic event, takes a huge toll on the affected individual. Every day we face the life of being a person with a disability which takes a bit more energy, patience and time but it does not mean having to change your lifestyle, having worse quality of life or living without culture, autonomy and independence.
Sports play a very important role not only in staying fit physically but also connecting with people, trusting and feeling your own body again and building up your self-confidence.
Paraplegics, among them former competitive sportsmen and women, banded together with therapists and friends. They have set themselves the task to reflect on their experiences and pass them on to others. The most important part for them is easing the, often, rocky transition from being released from the rehabilitation center into everyday life which is one of the hardest things to do for “freshly injured” paraplegics. For which they want to share experiences and give support. In the sense of helping someone help themselves.
On the other hand, we want to tell them that living with paraplegia does not mean a change in lifestyle and quality of life. We want to convey that sports can be vital in contributing to enjoyment of life, health maintenance, independence and social acceptance.
But not only that. We want social commitment, that means realizing § 9 and § 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, signed by Germany in 2006, in Leipzig! Inclusion means equal rights to participate in society, not unequal!
To put it briefly: Give our city a leg up in helping people with paraplegia. A requirement for this is a barrier-free environment in your city.
We make social commitment in Leipzig our priority.
We have already launched but now we need to structure ourselves and create a well thought out foundation. Step by step we will grow and hopefully be able to provide new ideas for Leipzig.
Read more at: www.lei-q.de
Stiftung Rückenwind (engl. tailwind foundation)

As an initiative run by persons affected themselves, people with professional experience in the field, friends and sponsors the Stiftung RÜCKENWIND shall make its own specific contributions to the present and future perspectives and situations towards rehabilitation in the Federal Republic of Germany and a united Europe. We stand for a holistic rehabilitation of paraplegics and a smooth interdisciplinary cooperation from the traumatic event all the way to reintegrating into everyday life. Delays and lacking exchange of information should never lead to unnecessary and additional loss of motivation and optimism!
We utilize the Foundation’s resources as well as the help and financial aid of our supporters to directly invest into a modern and individually unique reintegration. RÜCKENWIND provides counsel and decision support when it comes to technical and therapeutic aids, coping with everyday life, partnerships and mobility, leisure activities and last, but not least, questions surrounding employment. We also strive to create job opportunities for paraplegics.
There are many more avenues to explore! I therefore invite everyone who has been moved by the fate of a gravely injured person or who is able to see through their eyes, to support us, be it financial, technical, personal or by joining our circle of members and sponsors.
At this point we would like to thank all founders and supporters who came together in the spring of 2000 to start this Foundation.
Dr. med. Hans-Peter Pätzug, Honorary Chairman Stiftung RÜCKENWIND - Hilfe für Querschnittgelähmte - (Engl. Support for paraplegics)
The founding members of the Foundation and association RÜCKENWIND - Hilfe für Querschnittgelähmte - introduce themselves with their personal stories and experiences with paraplegia:
- Dr. med. Frank Berthold: “Because of my work I know of all the various shortcomings - RÜCKENWIND pledges to overcome them - I want to help them do exactly that.”
- Jörg Bachmann, Tax Accountant: “As someone who is afflicted themself I want to share and incorporate my experiences.”
- Ludwig Heinze, Care Provider: “I’ve worked with paraplegics for over 20 years which is why I see volunteering as a new personal challenge.”
- Andrea and Frank Hofmann: “Starting a family with both parents wheelchair-bound - we have a lot to say about that.”
- Carola Scholz, Architect: “Disability can be a new chance at life instead of an impediment.”
- Lothar Eichhorn, Geriatric Nurse: “Paraplegics need supporters, neighbors and friends."
- Cornelia Schiebe, Psychologist: “Finding new ways, opportunities and mobility - together.”
(This English version of the statutes is provided for convenience only. Being based in Germany, the only legally binding version is the German version at: https://noz-physiotherapie.de/noz-social-network)
Preamble: Out of the desire to,
- improve the situation of people with paraplegia and other similar injuries and sequelae as well as
- alleviating the hardship of loved ones and especially
- focusing on interpersonal care and
- based in holistic rehabilitation
- help someone to help themselves,
- we establish in Dresden the Foundation described below.
As an initiative run by persons affected themselves, people with professional experience in the field, friends and sponsors the Foundation shall make its own specific contributions to the present and future perspectives and situations towards rehabilitation in the Federal Republic of Germany and a united Europe.
- In our capacity as executives of the circle of friends and sponsors of RÜCKENWIND, registered association for the support of paraplegics with headquarters in Dresden (Register of Associations number 3714 Amtsgericht Dresden), we establish a non-profit Foundation with legal personality under private law under the name: ”Stiftung RÜCKENWIND - Hilfe für Querschnittgelähmte” - mit Sitz in Dresden.”
- The Foundation aims to promote the goals described in the statutes below. These goals are part of the act of formation.
- The registered association represented by us is providing the Foundation with initial funds of DM 50, 000.- (fifty thousand German Mark). The Foundation’s funds are intended to be increased through donations and contributions.
- The Foundation bodies consist of the Foundation’s board and the advisory council. Further items are specified in the following Foundation statute. As founders we appoint the following board:
- Dr. med. Hans-Peter Pätzug, Chairman
- Dipl.-Psych. Cornelia Schiebe, Vice Chairman and
- Ludwig Heinze, Vice Chairman
and the following (in alphabetical order) to be the advisory council:
- Dr. med. Frank Berthold
- Lothar Eichhorn
- Elke Jannasch
- Frank Schaffrath
- Carola Scholz
Dresden, 1st July 2000
Frank Schaffrath Chairman |
Carola Scholz Vice Chairman |
Lothar Eichhorn Vice Chairman |
§ 1 – Name, Legal Form, Headquarters
- The name of the Foundation is “Stiftung RÜCKENWIND - Hilfe für Querschnittgelähmte mit Sitz in Dresden.”
- RÜCKENWIND is a legal Foundation under civil law.
- RÜCKENWIND has its headquarters in Dresden.
§ 2 – Goals of the Foundation
- The Foundation’s purposes are exclusively and directly charitable and benevolent in their nature and described in the section “Tax-deductible Purposes” of the tax code.
- The Foundation is non-profit making; it does not primarily pursue its own financial purposes.
- Foundation Goals are:
- funding and supporting people with a form of paraplegia.
This goal can predominantly be achieved by:
- building institutions for paraplegics, provision of care services and directly conducting or supporting sports events,
- material support for the treatment and rehabilitation of paraplegics and people with similar disabilities and requirements of rehabilitation,
- personal counsel for paraplegics,
- supporting paraplegics during the job reintegration process,
- funding education and training of people who care for paraplegics in medical centers and other institutions, at home or their place of work,
- informing the public about paraplegia and its effects to eliminate stereotypes and contribute to the tearing down of barriers between people with and without disabilities,
- cultivate international relationships between disability groups,
- connect initiatives who have the same goals.
- Funding and supporting science and research in the field of paraplegiology.
This goal can predominantly be achieved by:
- awarding research contracts,
- participating in research projects,
- documenting and sharing of the latest research finding on an international level,
- giving out grants,
- subsidizing travel costs for the participation at conventions and other scientific teaching events and research projects at home and abroad,
- subsidizing material costs (medical devices or other technical equipment, science literature, work materials, printing costs etc.).
- funding and supporting people with a form of paraplegia.
- Foundation Goals are:
The examples under 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 are not conclusive. The Foundation can take all possible measures that are appropriate to achieve its goals. The Foundation is not limited territorially in its scope.
- The Foundation’s fund allocation is decided by the board. The directives on the Foundation’s fund allocations contain more information.
- There is no legal claim to any grants from Foundation funds.
§ 3 – Foundation Assets
- The foundation assets must be maintained unimpaired. Drawings on the substance of the assets of the Foundation are permitted, provided that (i) the supervisory authorities for Foundations approves such drawings, (ii) the intentions of the founder(s) may not be realized otherwise, and (iii) the existence of the Foundation is guaranteed for an appropriate time.
- Belonging to the substance of the Foundation assets according to section 1 are non-recurring donations unless the donor has decided otherwise.
- Assets can be increased by donations from founders or third parties.
§ 4 – Use of Investment Returns and Donations
- The Foundation shall fulfill its duties based on the investment returns and donations that are not explicitly intended for increasing the foundation’s assets.
- No person may benefit from expenditures that are not related to the purpose of the Foundation or from inappropriately high compensation.
- The board may determine the allocation of all or part of the Foundation’s funds to a reserve account, if necessary, to fulfill the statutory purposes of the Foundation according to the tax code.
§ 5 – Bodies of the Foundation
- The bodies of the Foundation are the board of directors and advisory council.
- Work in the Foundation’s bodies is voluntary. Details are given in the directives on the compensation for members of the Foundation bodies.
§ 6 – Board of Directors
- The board of directors consists of natural persons and currently has three members with a maximum of five possible members. The board is elected by the advisory council on a term of five years whereby majority of the board is part of the circle of friends and sponsors of the registered association RÜCKENWIND.
- Reelections are possible. The former board runs the Foundation’s business until a new board is elected.
- Members of the board may be removed from their positions by the advisory council for good cause. Members of the board can retire at any point without having to give a reason why.
- If a member of the board retires or is removed before their five-year term is up a substitute member may be elected.
- The members of the board, amongst themselves, elect one Chairman and two Vice Chairmen on a term of five years.
- The Board of Directors shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
§ 7 – Tasks of the Board of Directors
- The board manages the foundation through the following tasks:
- managing Foundation assets,
- issuing the earnings of the Foundation assets,
- controlling the actions supported by the Foundation,
- if necessary, the appointment of a managing director, managing their compensation and monitoring.
- A managing director, third parties or advisory bodies may be appointed or sought out for the day-to-day business.
- Members of the board and advisory council cannot be Foundation employees. Members of the board cannot be on the advisory council at the same time.
- The Board of Directors represents the Foundation in and out of court with at least two of its members.
§ 8 – Resolution of the Board of Directors
- The board adopts resolutions by a simple majority of the members present. It has a quorum if at least half of its members are present. In the case of a tie vote the Chairman’s vote is the deciding factor.
- For a resolution to pass through the circulation procedure, the majority of the board has to vote in favor.
- The board has a quorum if, after being properly invited, the majority of its members are present.
- Resolutions taken in writing, by telegraph or by telephone pass if there are no subjections to it or members do not speak out against the procedure.
- A board meeting is called by the Chairman, or in case they are unavailable, the Vice Chairman with a two weeks' notice. Mistakes in the summon are regarded as eliminated if there are no objections by any of the members. The board shall call a meeting at least once a year.
§ 9 – Managing Director
The managing director runs the day-to-day business and is subject to rules of procedure laid out in the directives. They answer to the Board of Directors and are bound by its instructions.
§ 10 – Advisory Council
- The council consists of five, with a maximum of seven, members. These members shall themselves be paraplegic or be particularly suitable for the council because of their work or training.
- The members of the council are elected on a five-year term or removed for good cause by the circle of friends and sponsors of the registered association RÜCKENWIND. The members of the council amongst themselves elect one Chairman and one Vice Chairman on a term of five years. Reelections are possible. Members of the council cannot be on the board at the same time.
- The Advisory Council shall advise the Board of Directors.
- The members of the council shall be invited to board meetings and heard for every item on the agenda.
- Membership in the council is voluntary.
- A new member shall be requested by the council if a former member retires or is removed.
§ 11 – Tasks of the Advisory Council
The Advisory Council has the following tasks:
- Electing and removing the Board of Directors,
- Advising the board and, if necessary, the managing director,
- Issuing rules of procedure for the actions of the Advisory Council,
- Issuing directives how Foundation assets are issued and allocated,
- Issuing directives on the compensation of board and council members,
- Drawing up resolutions and sending them to the Foundation Supervisory Authority. These resolutions include changes, cancellation (annulment) to or of the Articles of Association or the merger with one or more Foundation.
§ 12 – Resolution of the Advisory Council
- The council adopts resolutions by a simple majority of the members present. It has a quorum if at least four of its members are present. In the case of a tie vote the Session Chairman’s vote is the deciding factor.
- For a resolution to pass through the circulation procedure, the majority of the board has to vote in favor.
§ 13 – Foundation Management
- Management and investment of Foundation assets need to be handled with the attention of a diligent businessman.
- The Board of Directors and Advisory Council shall be called to a meeting by their Chairmen or Vice Chairmen at least once a year or more if it is deemed necessary for management purposes. The board and council shall be called to a meeting if at least a third of their members request it. The council can request a meeting of the board.
- The board submits annual reports and financial statements within the first five months after the conclusion of the financial year. The annual financial statement shall be audited by an auditor who is not a member of neither the board nor council. The auditor’s report and the board’s financial statement shall be presented to the council.
- The annual financial statement together with the audit report, an activity report and a balance sheet shall be sent to the Foundation Supervisory Authority within the first five months after the conclusion of the financial year.
§ 14 – Foundation Supervisory Authority
The Foundation is subject to state supervision in accordance with the applicable foundation law.
§ 15 – Change of Purpose, Mergers, Annulment and other Amendments
- Request to change the Foundation, merge it with another or change its purpose are admissible if significant changes within the organization have occurred or if the continuation or pursuit of its purpose appear to be no longer needed.
- For a change as described in section 1 to happen at least two-thirds of the Board of Directors and two-thirds of the Advisory Council must vote in favor.
- Changes to the statute require the approval of the appropriate tax authority.
§ 16 – Entitlement to Assets
In the case of the Foundation’s discontinuation or if its non-profit purpose, its assets shall be transferred to the Circle of Friends and Sponsors RÜCKENWIND who shall use it according to § 2 of this statute or other for charitable and benevolent purposes.
- Chairman: Thomas Mischer
- Vice Chairman: Michaela Schlett
Please support the actions of Foundation RÜCKENWIND through donations and other contributions!
I invite everyone who has been moved by the fate of a gravely injured person or who is able to see through their eyes to support us, be it financial, technical, personal or by joining our circle of members and sponsors.
Dr. med. Hans-Peter Pätzug, Honorary Chairman Stiftung RÜCKENWIND - Hilfe für Querschnittgelähmte -
You can make donations to the following account. Please contact the Chairman of our Board of Directors, Thomas Mischker, before donating.
We will provide you with a certification for each donation.
Bank account of Foundation RÜCKENWIND
at the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dresden,
Acc.-Nr. (Kontonummer): 319682 1006, German Bank Code (BLZ): 850 900 00.