“We should help people help themselves as best they can.”

(Laura Kozlowski - manag. ergo therapist)

To successfully achieve this goal, we not only take the patient’s physical symptoms into account but also their day-to-day life. This includes, among other things, their work and living situation, and leisure activities. Consulting, adjusting and checking their therapeutic equipment are important parts of our work because it oftentimes compensates for lost motor-function necessary for everyday life.

To achieve the best results for our patients we at NOZ Leipzig work as closely as possible with all different types of therapists and physicians.

To find out about all the underlying symptoms and build a therapy based on them, we perform an assessment of findings before prescribing a focused therapy plan. Based on these findings, the patient and their therapist plan out every part of the treatment process from beginning to end.

At the end of every treatment cycle the therapist writes a final report.

Treatment Methods:

The following treatment methods can be prescribed during ergo therapy. Treatment methods are at the discretion of the practicing physician.

  • Motor/functional treatment
  • Sensomotor/perceptive treatment method
  • Brain-performance training
  • ADL training
  • Therapy-supplementing measures
Core Competency: Paraplegia Treatment
  • Training in eating
  • Training in dressing
  • Transfer training
  • Training in washing
  • Social training
  • Therapeutic aid adjustment
  • Home environment adjustment
  • ADL training
  • Pain management